About this site
This is a place where i do things. And that is a very bad description that will be updated at some point unless i abandon the website as a whole
Things used to make it
HTML stuff
The text editor i use. Previously used Lite XL. I'm trying very hard to avoid VSCode
A static site generator that i found after following the creator on cohost. it's cool i like it
⚞Sadgrl's Layout Builder⚟
If you've been looking closely at websites similar to this you might have seen it used before! If you haven't, you can start now :]
⚞Neocities, obviously⚟
You can see the url up there ^
Graphics & Font
Header images
It's got images. They're good.
My phone
The header images for the Aphids and CD themes are my own photos
⚞Eggbug emoji by Caius Nocturne⚟
They made the eggbugs used in the cohost-inspired themes
⚞Dither Me This⚟
Used to edit most of the header images (6 bit RGB preset, width set to 960px)
⚞MADE Carving Soft⚟
It looks nice
Other graphics
Easily my favorite art program and what i use to draw and sometimes edit things, if you're not already using it i WILL try to convince you
⚞texture.ninja⚟ and ⚞publicdomainpictures.net⚟
i got some textures for ??? from both of these